_________________________________________________________________________ Title: Break Out Version: Gold Author: Hidetake Jo Size: Model: 9850+ Description: The GOLD Version of Break Out Features: 1) Scoring capability. 2) Nice Interface, better look and feel 3) Game can be PAUSED (in case teacher comes around :-P) 4) Laser can be shot to remove the last annoying few bits of blocks at the cost of -2 points on your score 5) Faster animation 6) Increased accuracy for Sprite Collision 7) Total freedom of the ball, now it's completely capricous! (hence now it's not using pure int, but real numbers) 8) Less Bugs - I hope :-P Controls? "left arrow key" to move left "right arrow key" to move right "up arrow key" to shoot laser (you need atleast 2 points) "EXE" to pause/resume game Happy Coding! :-) ________________________________________________________________________ Program : Cls ViewWindow 1,126,1,1,64,1 For 1->A To 40 Step 5 Text 58,A,"-" Text 58,A+85,"-" Next For 3->A To 125 Step 5 Text 1,A,"L" Next For 7->A to 55 Step 5 Text A,3,"L" Text A,124,"L" Next Plot 1,7 Plot 125,7 Line Text 58,50,"SCORE:" 0->T 1->M~R 0->K 60->A 1->Z For 10->B To 126 Step 21 Text 10,B,"O" Next 10->H 60->G 1->C~D While Z=1 Text 50,A,"--" If GetKey=38 Then A-10->A A<1=>A+10->A Text 50,A+10," " {there are 2 spaces between the quotations} Text 50,A,"--" IfEnd If GetKey=27 Then A+10->A A>116=>A-10->A Text 50,A-9," " {there are 2 spaces between the quotations} Text 50,A,"--" IfEnd If GetKey=28 And (T>1) Then T-2->T For 45->F To 10 Step -5 Text F,A+3,"^" Text F+5,A+3," " {there is 1 spaces between the quotations} Next Text 10,A+3," " {there is 1 spaces between the quotations} For 10->F To 126 Step 21 A+3 >= F-3 => A+3 =< F+5 =>9->E If E=9 Then Text 10,F," " {there are 2 spaces between the quotations} F=10=>0->M F=31=>0->N F=52=>0->O F=73=>0->P F=94=>0->Q F=115=>0->R 0->E IfEnd Next Text 58,75,T IfEnd If GetKey=31 Then For 1->W To 50 cos 5 Next While GetKey =/= 31 Text 30,55,"PAUSED" WhileEnd Text 30,55," " {there are 6 spaces between the quotations} IfEnd PlotOn G,H PlotOff G,H G+C->G H+D->H G>116=> -(2Ran#+1)->C G<7=>2Ran#+1->C H>55=>-(2Ran#+1)->D H<5=>0->Z If (H=<14) And (G>=A) And (G=D IfEnd If (H>49) And (H<58) Then For 10->E To 126 Step 21 1->S G>=E=>G=0->S If S=0 Then E=10=>M=1=>Isz T E=31=>N=1=>Isz T E=52=>O=1=>Isz T E=73=>P=1=>Isz T E=94=>Q=1=>Isz T E=115=>R=1=>Isz T E=10=>0->M E=31=>0->N E=52=>0->O E=73=>0->P E=94=>0->Q E=115=>0->R Text 58,75,T IfEnd Next IfEnd M=0=>M=N=>N=O=>O=P=>P=Q=>Q=R>2->Z WhileEnd 0=Z=>Text 30,45,"GAME OVER" 2=Z=>Text 30,45,"YOU WIN" _________________________________________________________________________