_________________________________________________________________________ Title: Asteroid-2, Casio Strikes Back Version: 100.1 gama Author: Hidetake Jo Size: Model: 9850+ Description: A great asteroid game with highscore competition Da Rulez, the commndments. (1)Thou must stay in this galaxy, hence inbetween the two horizontal lines.. or the galaxy boundries (no I'm not high...) (2)Thou shalt avoid the asteroids (those dots) (3)Thou shalt not crash into the galaxy segments (the vertical lines) (4)Thou shalt not go over his own tracks (you leave behind radioactive waste, so you can't go over the same path you took before) (5)Thou shalt navigate wisely (yeah yeah...) Controls: arrow keys... (self explanetory) (6)Thou shalt reach the = sign (ok?) _________________________________________________________________________ Program : AxesOff ViewWindow 1,100,1,1,100,1 Cls Text 10,50,"ASTEROIDS" Horizontal 20 Horinzontal 70 For 5->A To 100 PxlOn Int 30Ran#+20,A Next For 4->A To 80 Step 10 F-Line A,20,A,70 A =/= 4 =>Text Int (20Ran#+25),Int (1.25A)," " // =/= is not equal to, there is 1 space between quotes A = 4 => Text Int (20Ran#+25), Int (1.25A-1),"=" Next 40->A: 110->B: -1->C: 0->D 1->Z:0->S:0->T Text 40,109,"+" S=0=>5->T //pay good attention here While Z=1 Do A+C->A B+D->B B>125=>0->Z B<3=>2->Z PxlText A,B Ans=1=>0->Z PxlOn A,B Getkey->G 1 =/= Z=>1->G // =/= means not equal to sign Isz S LpWhile 0=G If G=28 Then 0->D:-1->C IfEnd If G=37 Then 0->D:1->C IfEnd If G=38 Then 0->C:-1->D IfEnd If G=27 Then 0->C:1->D IfEnd WhileEnd If 2=Z Then Text 55,20,"GOAL 200 EXTRA POINTS" S+200->S IfEnd S*2->N //pay very good attention here Z=0=>Text 55,44,"YOU CRASHED" N+T->N //pay very good attention here F-Line 25,49,71,49 F-Line 25,49,25,60 F-Line 25,60,71,60 F-Line 71,60,71,49 N*50->M //pay very good attention here For 35->A To 85 Text 27,A," " // 1 space inbetween quotations Next M-365->W //pay very good attention here Text 27,35,"SCORE:" //pay very good attention to the codes down here Text 27,65,S W+Int (98Ran#)+1->W //versions prior to 100.1 gama should fix this line W / 100 ->W Frac W ->U W-U->W 100U->U WU*100+U->W Text 3,1,"CODE:" Text 3,26,W _________________________________________________________________________