%Header Record Format:TXT Communication SW:0 Data Type:PG Capacity:6345 File Name:JKRS WLD Group Name: Password: Option1:NL Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record 0\->A~N 0\->\r 0\->\theta \Norm \ViewWindow 1,127,0,63,1,0 \File5 {0,0,0,0,0}\->\List 1 {0,0,0,0,0}\->\List 2 {0,0,0,0,0}\->\List 3 \List 6[4]=0\=>{50,\(-)50,3,\(-)5,5}\->\List 6 \Dim \List 4\->E E>\Dim \List 5\=>\Dim \List 5\->E \Lbl A 0\->K \ClrText \For 1\->A \To 7 " " \Next \Locate 6,2,"Jo\kilo\Re\Cors WILD" \Locate 1,3,"v1.09 P\Cori\milli\Ra\Cory R\Rel\Re\Ras\Re" \Locate 3,4,"I\Cntt\Re\Cor\Cnt\Ratio\Cnt\Ral E\Rd." \Locate 8,5,"\Rb\Meany" \GotoS \Lbl B 0\->D \Getkey\->B B=0\ Or B=41\ Or B=51\=>\GotoB \For 21\->C \To 71 \Step 10 B=C+8\=>8-(C-1)\ab/c10\->D B\>=C\=>B\<=C+5\=>9\->D \Next \If D\>=1\ And D\<=6 \Then \If E\>=D \Then \If \List 4[D]\<>0 \Then 2\->K \GotoS \IfEnd \IfEnd \IfEnd \If B=44 \Then 0\->D \If A\<>1 \Then A\ab/c100\->A A\Frac \r\ab/cA\->\r \Locate \log A/2+10,7," " \IfEnd \IfEnd \If B=31 \Then 0\->B \GotoD \IfEnd B=77\=>\GotoR D\<>9\=>\GotoB A=\10^x14\=>\GotoB \Lbl C AB+\r\->\r 100A\->A \log A/2+9\->C 7\->F \Locate C,F,"\aster" B=61\=>\Locate C,F,"." \GotoT \Lbl D 0\->D \If \r=0 \Then 0\->E \GotoE \IfEnd \For E\->C \To 1 \Step \(-)1 \r=\List 4[C]\=>C\->D \Next \If D\<>0 \Then D\->\theta \r\->\List 4[\theta] \r-\List 5[\theta]\->E \Frac E\ab/c5\<>0\=>0\->E E\>=100000\=>\List 4[\theta]\->\List 5[\theta] E\<=\(-)10000\=>\List 4[\theta]\->\List 5[\theta] E\->M \GotoE \IfEnd \For E\->C \To 1 \Step \(-)1 \List 4[C]=0\=>C\->D \Next \If D=0 \Then "" \Locate 1,6,"So\Cor\Cory, " \Locate 10+\Int \log E,6,"g\Ra\milli\Res \Ra\Cor\Re" \Locate 8,6,E \Locate 1,7,"\Ral\Cor\Re\Ra\Rdy i\Cnt \pico\Corog\Cor\Ress." \Stop \Else D\->\theta \r\->\List 4[\theta] \r\->\List 5[\theta] 0\->E \IfEnd \Lbl E 0\->F \Text 2,2,"ROYAL FLUSH" \Text 2,51,"4000" \Text 8,2,"5 OF A KIND" \Text 8,55,"500" \Text 14,2,"RYL FLSH WLD" \Text 14,55,"350" \Text 20,2,"STRGHT FLUSH" \Text 20,55,"250" \Text 26,2,"4 OF A KIND" \Text 26,55,"100" \Text 2,75,"FULL HOUSE" \Text 2,120,"40" \Text 8,75,"FLUSH" \Text 8,120,"35" \Text 14,75,"STRAIGHT" \Text 14,120,"25" \Text 20,75,"3 OF KIND" \Text 20,120,"10" \Text 26,75,"TWO PAIRS" \Text 26,124,"5" \Green \Text 8,99,"INKS" 0\->F \Text 32,107,"PAID" \Text 38,107,F \Text 44,107,"CRED." \Text 50,107,E \PlotOff 1,1 \For 11\->A \To 95 \Step 21 \Plot A-9,63 \Plot A-9,56 \Line \Plot A+9,56 \Line \Plot A+9,63 \Line \PlotOn A-7,34 \Plot A-6,33 \Plot A+6,33 \Line \Plot A+8,35 \Line \Plot A+8,51 \Line \Plot A+6,53 \Line \Plot A-6,53 \Line \Plot A-8,51 \Line \Plot A-8,35 \Line \Next \Plot 107,63 \Plot 107,56 \Line \Plot 125,56 \Line \Plot 125,63 \Line \PlotOff 1,1 \Lbl F \Green \Text 58,108," " \Green \Text 58,109,"D\Re\Ral" \For 11\->A \To 95 \Step 21 \PxlTest 61,A-1 \If \Ans=0 \Then \Text 58,A-7," " \Orange \Text 58,A-7,"hol\Rd" \IfEnd \Next \Green \Text 58,109," " \Green \Text 58,109,"D\Re\Ral" \Lbl G \PlotOff 1,1 \Do \If \Getkey=77 \Then \LpWhile 0 \GotoR \IfEnd \LpWhile \Getkey\<>29 0\->A 0\->F G\<>2\=>\GotoH \Lbl I \Isz A A<6\=>\GotoP B\<>0\=>\Green \Text \(-)4+6B,67," " \Lbl H 0\->G \Isz L E-5\->E \r\<>0\=>\List 4[\theta]-E\->\List 5[\theta] \Text 38,107,"0 " \Text 50,107," " \Text 50,107,E \PlotOff 1,1 \For 1\->A \To 5 \Int 53\Ran# \Ans\->\List 1[A] \Next \Lbl J 0\->A \For 1\->C \To 5 \List 1[C]\->\List 2[C] \Next \Lbl K \Isz A \For 1\->A \To 4 \SortA(\List 2 \If \List 2[A]=\List 2[A+1] \Then \List 2[A]\->B \Int 53\Ran#\->D D\->\List 2[A] 0\->A \For 1\->C \To 5 \If B=\List 1[C] \Then D\->\List 1[C] \GotoJ \IfEnd \Next \IfEnd \Next \Lbl L \For 1\->A \To 5 \List 3[A]\->G \Intg (\List 1[A]-1)\ab/c13\->B B\->\List 2[A] \List 1[A]-13B\->\List 3[A] \List 1[A]=0\=>0\->\List 3[A] G=53\=>\Next G=53\=>A=5\=>\GotoQ 21A-10\->H \If B=\(-)1 \Then 0\->\List 3[A] \Green \Text 35,H-7,"J" \Text 37,H-4,"o" \Orange \Text 41,H-1,"\kilo" \Text 44,21A-8,"\Re" \Green \Text 47,H+4,"\r" \PlotOff 1,1 \Else \List 3[A]\->C \If B\>=2 \Then C\>=2\=>C\<=9\=>\Text 37,H-1,\List 3[A] C=1\=>\Text 37,H-1,"A" C=10\=>\Text 37,H-3,"10" C=11\=>\Text 37,H-1,"J" C=12\=>\Text 37,H-2,"Q" C=13\=>\Text 37,H-2,"K" \If B=2 \Then \Text 45,H-3,"++" \F-Line H,44,H,50 \PlotOff H,47 \For 45\->D \To 50 \Step 5 \F-Line H-1,D,H+1,D \Next \Else \Text 46,H-2,"W" \Text 44,H-1,"A" \F-Line H+2,46,H+2,49 \F-Line H,45,H,50 \For \(-)1\->D \To 1 \Step 2 \F-Line H-3D,47,H-3D,48 \Next \IfEnd \Else C\>=2\=>C\<=9\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-1,\List 3[A] C=1\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-1,"A" C=10\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-3,"10" C=11\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-1,"J" C=12\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-2,"Q" C=13\=>\Orange \Text 37,H-2,"K" \If B=0 \Then \Orange \Text 45,H-1,"*" \Orange \F-Line H,44,H,50 \Orange \F-Line H-2,47,H+2,47 \Else \For 0\->D \To 1 \Orange \Text 43,H-3D,"\Rc" \Next \For 0\->D \To 1 \Orange \F-Line H-3,45+D,H+3,45+D \Next \Orange \F-Line H,47,H,50 \Orange \F-Line H-1,48,H+1,48 \IfEnd \IfEnd \IfEnd \PlotOff 1,1 G\<>53\=>\Next G\<>53\=>F=1\=>\GotoQ \Green \Text 58,108,"DRAW" \PlotOff 1,1 \Fill(0,3 4\->K \Lbl N \Do \Getkey\->B \LpWhile \Frac B\ab/c10\<>.9 8-\Int B\ab/c10\->B \If B=6 \Then 1\->A \GotoO \IfEnd \PxlTest 61,21B-11 \If \Ans=1 \Then \Orange \Text 58,21B-17," " \Text 58,21B-17,"HELD" \Else \Text 58,21B-17," " \Orange \Text 58,21B-17,"hol\Rd" \IfEnd \PlotOff 1,1 \GotoN \Lbl O 0\->D \PxlTest 61,21A-11 \If \Ans=1 \Then \Int 53\Ran#\->B \For 1\->C \To 5 B=\List 1[C]\=>1\->D \Next \If A>1 \Then \For 1\->C \To A-1 B=\List 3[C]\=>1\->D \Next \IfEnd \If D=0 \Then B\->\List 3[A] \Lbl P 21A-13\->H \If \List 2[A]=\(-)1 \Then \Green \Text 35,H-4," " \Text 37,H-1," " \Orange \Text 41,H+2," " \Text 44,H+5," " \Green \Text 47,H+7," " \PlotOff 1,1 \Else \If \List 2[A]\>=2 \Then \Text 37,H," " \For 0\->C \To 5 \Step 5 \Text 41+C,H+4," " \Text 47-C,H," " \Next \PlotOff 1,1 \Else \Orange \Text 37,H," " \For 0\->C \To 5 \Step 5 \Orange \Text 41+C,H+4," " \Orange \Text 47-C,H," " \Next \PlotOff 1,1 \IfEnd \IfEnd G=2\=>\GotoI \IfEnd \Else 53\->\List 3[A] \IfEnd D=0\=>\Isz A A<6\=>\GotoO \For 1\->A \To 5 \List 3[A]\<>53\=>\List 3[A]\->\List 1[A] \Next 1\->F \GotoL \Lbl Q \SortA(\List 2) \SortA(\List 3) 0\->A~D 0\->F~H \For 1\->A \To 4 \List 2[A]=\List 2[A+1]\=>\Isz D \List 3[A+1]-\List 3[A]=1\=>\List 3[1]\<>0\ Or A\<>1\=>\Isz B \List 3[A]=\List 3[A+1]\=>\Isz G \Next G=2\=>10\->H D=4\=>7\->H \If B=3\ And \List 3[1]=1\ And \List 3[2]=10 \Then 8\->H D=4\=>1\->H \IfEnd \If B=4 \Then 8\->H D=4\=>4\->H \IfEnd \For 1\->A \To 3 \List 3[A]=\List 3[A+1]\=>\List 3[A]=\List 3[A+2]\=>\Isz C \Next \List 3[1]=0\=>\Isz C C=1\=>\List 3[1]\<>0\=>9\->H C=1\=>G=3\=>6\->H C=2\=>5\->H C=3\=>2\->H \If \List 3[1]=0 \Then D=3\=>7\->H G=1\=>9\->H G=2\=>C=1\=>6\->H \If B=3 \Then 8\->H D=3\=>4\->H \IfEnd \If B=2\ And \List 3[5]-\List 3[2]=4 \Then 8\->H D=3\=>4\->H \IfEnd 1\->G 0\->B \List 3[2]=1\=>\Isz G \For 10\->A \To 13 B=0\=>A\<>10\=>\List 3[A-8]=A-1\=>\Isz G \If \List 3[A-8]=A \Then 1\->B \Isz G \IfEnd \Next \If G=5 \Then 8\->H D=3\=>3\->H \IfEnd \IfEnd 0\->F \If H=1 \Then 4000\->F \Green \Text 8,97,"WOW!" \Green \Text 14,107,"\RdBP" \IfEnd \If H=2 \Then 500\->F \Green \Text 14,107,"qB)" \IfEnd \If H=3 \Then 350\->F \Green \Text 14,107,"q=D" \IfEnd \If H=4 \Then 250\->F \Green \Text 14,107,"d=P" \IfEnd \If H=5 \Then 100\->F \Green \Text 14,107,"\Rd=\pico" \IfEnd \If H=6 \Then 40\->F \Green \Text 14,111,"=p" \IfEnd \If H=7 \Then 35\->F \Green \Text 14,111,"=)" \IfEnd \If H=8 \Then 25\->F \Green \Text 14,111,"=]" \IfEnd \If H=9 \Then 10\->F \Green \Text 14,111,"=}" \IfEnd \If H=10 \Then 5\->F \Green \Text 14,111,"=\slash" \IfEnd \If H=0 \Then I>0\=>0\->I \Dsz I \Isz N 0\->J \Green \Text 14,107," =(" \Else I<0\=>0\->I \Isz I F+J-5\->J \IfEnd \If I>\List 6[3] \Then I\->\List 6[3] \Green \Text 14,107,"\Rd=D" \IfEnd \If I<\List 6[4] \Then I\->\List 6[4] \Green \Text 14,107," =C" \IfEnd \If J>\List 6[5] \Then J\->\List 6[5] \Green \Text 14,107,"\RdBp" \IfEnd \If F\<>0 \Then F+E\->E H\<>0\=>H\<=5\=>\Green \Text \(-)4+6H,67,"<=" H\>=6\=>\Green \Text \(-)34+6H,67,"=>" \Text 38,107," " \Text 38,107,F \Text 50,107," " \Text 50,107,E \PlotOff 1,1 \IfEnd \r\<>0\=>\List 4[\theta]-E\->\List 5[\theta] E>\List 6[1]\=>E\->\List 6[1] E<\List 6[2]\=>E\->\List 6[2] 53\->B 0\->D 2\->G \For 1\->A \To 5 \Intg ((\List 1[A]-1)/13)\->\List 2[A] \Next H\->B B>5\=>B-5\->B 1\->A \GotoF \Lbl R D\<>77\=>\ClrText \Locate 2,1,"High\Rest Wi\Cnt " \Locate 20-\Int (\log \List 6[1]),1,\List 6[1] \Locate 2,2,"High\Rest Loss " \Locate 19-\Int \log \Abs \List 6[2],2,\List 6[2] \Locate 2,3,"St\Cor\Re\Ra\kilo Wi\Cnt " \Locate 20-\Int \log \List 6[5],3,\List 6[5] \Locate 2,4,"Wi\Cnt St\Cor\Re\Ra\kilos " \Locate 20-\Int \log \List 6[3],4,\List 6[3] \Locate 2,5,"Loss St\Cor\Re\Ra\kilos " \Locate 19-\Int \log \Abs \List 6[4],5,\List 6[4] \Locate 6,7,"(\Rc)'97 \{i}\Cnt\kiloS" \If A=95 \Then \Do \Getkey\->D \LpWhile D\<>77\ And D\<>31 D=31\=>\GotoG \Locate 2,1,"Us\Re\Cor\Cnt\Ra\milli\Re " \r=0\=>\Locate 16,1,"Gu\Rest" \Locate 2,2,"S\Ressio\Cnt" 1\->D \If E-M\>=0 \Then \Locate 10,2,"Wi\Cnts " \Else \Locate 10,2,"Loss\Res " 0\->D \IfEnd \If E-M\<>0 \Then \Locate 19-\Int \log \Abs (E-M)+D,2,E-M \Else \Locate 20,2,"0" \IfEnd \Locate 2,3,"G\Ra\milli\Res Pl\Ray\Re\Rd " \If L\<>0 \Then \Locate 20-\Int \log \Abs L,3,L \Else \Locate 20,3,L \IfEnd \Locate 2,4,"G\Ra\milli\Res Wo\Cnt " \If L-N\<>0 \Then \Locate 20-\Int \log \Abs (L-N),4,L-N \Else \Locate 20,4,"0" \IfEnd \Locate 2,5,"You\Cor C\Cor\Re\Rdit " \If E=0 \Then \Locate 20,5,E \Else \Locate 19.5-\Int \log \Abs E+.5E/\Abs E,5,E \IfEnd \If \r\<>0 \Then 1\->F 3\->K B\->G \GotoS \IfEnd \Lbl M G\->B 2\->G \IfEnd \Locate 6,7,"(\Rc)'97 \{i}\Cnt\kiloS" \Do \Getkey\->D \LpWhile D\<>31\ And D\<>77 D=77\=>\GotoR \If A=95 \Then \GotoG \Else \GotoA \IfEnd \Lbl S \If K=0 \Then 11\->H 5\->F 43356455\->\r \IfEnd \If K=2 \Then \List 4[D]\->\r \Locate 10,7," " 10\->H 7\->F \IfEnd \r\->A (\Int \log A+1)/2\->D K=3\=>21-D\->H \For 0+H\->C \To D+H A/100\->A 100\Frac A\->B \Int A\->A \Lbl T B=76\=>\Locate C,F,"\Ra" B=66\=>\Locate C,F,"\Rb" B=56\=>\Locate C,F,"\Rc" B=46\=>\Locate C,F,"\Rd" B=36\=>\Locate C,F,"\Re" B=26\=>\Locate C,F,"\femto" B=75\=>\Locate C,F,"g" B=65\=>\Locate C,F,"h" B=55\=>\Locate C,F,"i" B=45\=>\Locate C,F,"j" B=35\=>\Locate C,F,"\kilo" B=25\=>\Locate C,F,"l" B=74\=>\Locate C,F,"\milli" B=64\=>\Locate C,F,"\Cnt" B=54\=>\Locate C,F,"o" B=73\=>\Locate C,F,"\pico" B=63\=>\Locate C,F,"q" B=53\=>\Locate C,F,"\Cor" B=43\=>\Locate C,F,"s" B=33\=>\Locate C,F,"t" B=72\=>\Locate C,F,"u" B=62\=>\Locate C,F,"v" B=52\=>\Locate C,F,"w" B=42\=>\Locate C,F,"x" B=32\=>\Locate C,F,"y" B=71\=>\Locate C,F,"z" K=1\=>\GotoB \Next \If K=0 \Then \Locate 11,5,"\{i}" \Locate 14,5,"S" \Locate 1,7,"Us\Re\Cor\Cnt\Ra\milli\Re\(-)" 1\->A 1\->K 0\->\r 0\->H \GotoB \IfEnd \If K=2 \Then \10^x2D\->A 1\->K 0\->H \GotoB \IfEnd \If K=3 \Then 95\->A \GotoM \IfEnd \Rbugs..\pico\Coro\Rbl\Re\millis..qu\Restio\Cnts..\Rco\milli\milli\Re\Cntts..\hE\milli\Rail i\Cnt\kilos@\Coro\Rc\kilo\Ret\milli\Rail.\Rco\milli %End %Header Record Format:TXT Communication SW:0 Data Type:PG Capacity:1418 File Name:README Group Name: Password: Option1:NL Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record This game recreates the Casino Video Poker game - Jokers Wild (c)'97 \{i}\Cnt\kiloS The game features a variable number of different users at one time - ie. m\ore than 1 person can have their sc\ores st\ored in the calc. To do this, fill \List 4 + \List 5 with 0's. eg. 5 players - fill 5 0's in \List 4 + 5. \To add to existing usernames, just add 0's after existing \List 4 + 5 \aster At Username screen F1-F6 = Users 1 to 6 (\If user exists) Del = Delete previous letter Exe = Enter Username Alpha = HiSc\ores Screen Note - Guest \Moe entered if username is left blank \aster During Play F1-F5 = Hold Cards 1 to 5 F6 = Deal Alpha = HiSc\ores Screen \aster HiSc\ores Screen Alpha = next page Exe = \Return Press AC to quit anytime. This game uses only one program file. Extensive jump codes are used. Alphabet Display = approx. 0.5k \Graphics = approx. 1k Card \Graphics = approx. 1k Card Dealing = approx. 1k Card Evaluation = approx. 1.5k Misc. = approx. 0.5k Game Size = 6.2k Known Bug = Jumps to wrong area in code. Results in MA Err\or. Very rare. Apparently cannot find loophole. This bug has only been encountered only 3 times in the past 1.5 months by 3 different people in my school. \If anyone discovers anything about this bug, please email me. BTW, I think it's a calc bug. Anyone need m\ore info, feel free to email me. Any bugs, comments, questions, problems, suggestions, etc. email me. Thank you f\or trying out my game. e-mail = inks@rocketmail.com %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:0 Columns:0 Variable Name:List 1 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:0 Columns:0 Variable Name:List 2 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:0 Columns:0 Variable Name:List 3 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:3 Columns:1 Variable Name:List 4 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record Value : 1 1 0 Value : 2 1 0 Value : 3 1 0 %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:3 Columns:1 Variable Name:List 5 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record Value : 1 1 0 Value : 2 1 0 Value : 3 1 0 %End %Header Record Format:VAL Communication SW:0 Data Type:LT Rows:5 Columns:1 Variable Name:List 6 Group Name:File 5 Variable Type:R Variable Length:10 Option1: Option2: Option3: Option4: %Data Record Value : 1 1 0 Value : 2 1 0 Value : 3 1 0 Value : 4 1 0 Value : 5 1 0 %End