ROBOT WARS - One on One This game is a cross between Moral Combat and Robot Wars. You have to control your Robot using 4&5 or Left&Right and then attack using 6 or Exit. The game is sluggish but if you hold down the buttons what you want to happen will happen. To increase health lower the value of H and increase (Don't forget to add the appropriate amount of dots on the health bar). To lower health do the opposite. .. Decimal point , Above Del -> Above AC # F6 (SYBL), F6 (#) ' Alpha, F1 (') " Alpha, F2 (") ~ Alpha, F3 (~) If Shift+VARS, F1 (COM), F1 (If) Then Shift+VARS, F1 (COM), F2 (Then) Ifend Shift+VARS, F1 (COM), F4 (I-End) Stop Shift+VARS, F2 (CTL), F3 (Brk) Break Shift+VARS, F2 (CTL), F4 (Stop) Lbl Shift+VARS, F3 (JUMP), F1 (Lbl) Goto Shift+VARS, F3 (JUMP), F2 (Goto) (=\=) Shift+VARS, F6 (|>), F3 (REL), F2 ((=\=)) Locate Shift+VARS, F6 (|>), F4 (I/O), F1 (Lcte) Getkey Shift+VARS, F6 (|>), F4 (I/O), F2 (Gtky) ClrText Shift+VARS, F6 (|>), F1 (Clr), F1 (Text) ClrText Locate 1,1,"..... ....." Locate 1,5,"#####################" Locate 1,6,"'''''''''''''''''''''" Locate 1,7,"'''''''''''''''''''''" 6 -> G 16 -> H 5 -> I 17 -> J Lbl 0 Locate (I-2),4,"*I*" Locate (I+1),4," " Locate J,4,"O#O" Locate (J-1),4," " If Getkey = 47 Then Locate (J-1),4,"~" Ifend If Getkey = 53 Then Locate I+1,4,"~" Ifend If I+1=J Then If Getkey = 53 Thenen (H+1) -> H Locate H,1," " Ifend If Getkey = 47 Then (G-1) -> G Locate G,1," " Ifend If G=1 Or H=21 Then Locate 6,5," GAME OVER " Stop Break Ifend Ifend If Getkey = 63 And (I+1)(=\=)J Then I+1 -> I Locate (I-3),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 73 Then (I-1) -> I Locate (I-1),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 38 And I(=\=)(J-1) Then (J-1) -> J Locate (J+3),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 27 Then (J-1) -> J Locate (J+1),4," " Ifend < NOTE : This next part up to GOTO 0 (Thene last line)(non inclusive) is not essential but makes for a fair game (and has no effect on the speed of the program)> Locate (I-2),4,"*I*" Locate (I+1),4," " Locate J,4,"O#O" Locate (J-1),4," " If Getkey = 53 Then Locate I+1,4,"~" Ifend If Getkey = 47 Then Locate (J-1),4,"~" Ifend If I+1=J Then If Getkey = 47 Then (G-1) -> G Locate G,1," " Ifend If Getkey = 53 Thenen (H+1) -> H Locate H,1," " Ifend If G=1 Or H=21 Then Locate 6,5," GAME OVER " Stop Break Ifend Ifend If Getkey = 38 And I(=\=)(J-1) Then (J-1) -> J Locate (J+3),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 27 Thenen (J-1) -> J Locate (J+1),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 63 And (I+1)(=\=)J Then I+1 -> I Locate (I-3),4," " Ifend If Getkey = 73 Then (I-1) -> I Locate (I-1),4," " Ifend Goto 0