_______________________________________________________________________ Title: Horsebet Version: 1.0 Idea: Thomas Breivi Author: Sigurd Shaathun Description: Race the horses and win lots of money! _______________________________________________________________________ Command translation: -> Single arrow (located on the keyboard) => Double arrow (press: [shift] [prgm] [f1] [f1]) _ Display, -Disp- (press: [shift] [prgm] [f4]) _______________________________________________________________________ Program : Int 20Ran->+1->A Int 20Ran->+1->B Int 20Ran->+1->C Int 20Ran->+1->D Lbl 1 "******************** ** H O R S E B E T ********************* *" "Todays stable hints: "_ "Track 1:":A_ "Track 2:":B_ "Track 3:":C_ "Track 4:":D_ "Which horse"?->N Int N>4=>Goto 1 Int N<1=>Goto 1 Lbl 2 "Your account":S_ "How much do yo u bet"?->T Int S"To high" Int SGoto 2 Int T<1=>"To low" Int T<1=>Goto 2 Int ARan->+1->A Int BRan->+1->B Int CRan->+1->C Int DRan->+1->D Int N=1=>Int A>B=>Int A >C=>Int A>D=>Goto 4 Int N=2=>Int B>A=>Int B >C=>Int B>D=>Goto 4 Int N=3=>Int C>B=>Int C >B=>Int C>D=>Goto 4 Int N=4=>Int B>A=>Int B >C=>Int B>D=>Goto 4 Goto 5 Lbl 4 "The winner horse:":N_ "You win" S+T->S "Your Account":S_ Goto 6 Lbl 5 "LOOSER" Goto 6 Lbl 6 _______________________________________________________________________